2025-01-13 ~ 2025-01-22
2024-12-26 ~ 2024-12-31
2024-12-19 ~ 2024-12-23
2024-12-16 ~ 2024-12-20
2024-12-09 ~ 2024-12-13
The 19th Asian winter school on strings, particle physics and cosmology
2025-01-13 ~ 2025-01-22
Website: https://asianwinterschool.github.io/index.html
Please click here to register. The deadline is Oct. 11th, 2024.
The Asian Winter School (AWS) on Strings, Particles and Cosmology is a pan-Asian collaborative effort of high energy theorists from China, India, Japan and Korea to give young researchers in Asia an opportunity to come together and learn about the latest developments in high energy theory from leading experts on the subject.
This school is aimed towards advanced graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and active researchers in the field. This is the 19th in a series of Asian Winter Schools that have been organized on a rotating basis among China, Japan, India and Korea. We welcome students from all of these participating countries as well as students from outside.
The previous Asian Winter Schools in this series have provided young researchers with opportunities for discussions with leading experts in different areas and also for initiating collaboration with other young researchers belonging to the different participating countries. We hope the 2025 School will continue this tradition.
Invited Speakers
Jonathan J. Heckman (University of Pennsylvania):
Jonathan Sorce (Massachusetts Institute of Technology):
Sameer Murthy (King's College London):
Micha Berkooz (Weizmann Institute of Science):
Victor A. Rodriguez (Princeton University):
Washington Taylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology):
Miguel Montero (Institute of Theoretical Physics in Madrid):
Sabrina Pasterski (Perimeter Institute):
Vladimir Kazakov (École normale supérieure):
Local Organization Committee
Bin Chen (Peking University)
Ling-Yan Hung (Tsinghua University)
Jianxin Lu (University of Science and Technology of China)
Wei Song (Tsinghua University)
Yinan Wang (Peking University)
Zhenbin Yang (Tsinghua University)
Steering Committee
Agnese Bissi (ICTP, Italy)
Bin Chen (Peking, China)
Atish Dabholkar (ICTP, Italy)
Rajesh Gopakumar (ICTS, India)
Koji Hashimoto (Kyoto, Japan)
Seok Kim (SNU, Korea)
Kimyeong Lee (KIAS, Korea)
Miao Li (ITP, CAS & Sun Yat-Sen, China)
Jian-Xin Lu (USTC, China)
Jun Nishimura (KEK, Japan)
Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech, USA & Kavli IPMU, Japan)
Ashoke Sen (ICTS, India)
Sang-Jin Sin (Hanyang, Korea)
Wei Song (Yau MSC, Tsinghua, China)
Tadashi Takayanagi (Yukawa ITP, Japan)
Spenta R. Wadia (ICTS, India)
Piljin Yi (KIAS, Korea)
Advisory Board
David Gross (Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Andrew Strominger (Harvard University)
Hirotaka Sugawara (OIST)
Shing-Tung Yau (Harvard University)
Course Organizers
Nabamita Banerjee (Indian Institute of Science Education and Research)
Seung-Joo Lee (IBS Center for Theoretical Physics of the Universe)
Honda Masazumi (RIKEN • Advanced Science Institute )
Onkar Parrikar (Tata institute of fundamental research)
Yinan Wang (Peking University)
Junggi Yoon (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)
Masahito Yamazaki (Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe)
Zhenbin Yang (Tsinghua University)
Past Asian Winter Schools
AWS 2017, Zhuhai, China
AWS 2010, Mahabaleshwar, India
AWS 2009, Beijing, China
AWS 2008, Gunma, Japan
Supporting Organizations
Workshop on Dynamical Systems and Applications
2024-12-26 ~ 2024-12-31
The topic of this workshop is recent advances in dynamical systems and their applications across various fields. Dynamical systems, which study the evolution of systems that change over time, is a vibrant area of current mathematical research. The modern theory of dynamical systems traces its origins to Poincaré’s work on celestial mechanics in the late 19th century, further developed by mathematicians including Lyapunov, Birkhoff and Smale. This field is closely connected to other areas like number theory, differential geometry and probability theory, and boasts a multitude of exciting applications in biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, climate science, social science, industrial mathematics, data science and more.
This workshop is to gather experts in dynamical systems and ergodic theory to share their latest research findings and discuss cutting-edge problems. Talks will include differentiable and stochastic dynamical systems, smooth ergodic theory and other related fields with applications in applied mathematics.
举办意义(Description of the aim)
The proposed workshop aims to bring together active senior and young researchers in the field of dynamical systems. This gathering provides a platform for sharing and discussing the latest research findings, fostering new and ongoing collaborations, and exploring interdisciplinary approaches. In addition, the conference will provide opportunities for young scholars to present them recent work.
Statistical methods for network analysis
2024-12-19 ~ 2024-12-23
The theme of this conference revolves around the evolving and multifaceted field of network data analysis. In recent times, the diversity of data types and formats has made the study of complex data an increasingly prominent topic within scholarly discussions and research. Network data, a complex data type commonly used to depict the attributes and relationships among different entities, has garnered extensive attention across multiple disciplines including statistics, computer science, economics, and sociology. This attention is partly due to the limitations of traditional data analysis methods in addressing the complexities inherent in network data, leading to the development of innovative statistical approaches for this purpose.
A notable feature of network data in real-world scenarios is its inherent group structures, such as the various social circles found in social networks or the different species populations in ecological networks. This aspect makes community detection a critical area in network analysis. Effective methods for community detection can identify potential group structures within network data quickly and accurately, thus improving the extraction and utilization of information from the network.
Additionally, advancements in data collection capabilities have led to a greater diversity in the types of network data available, which often contain more complex information. For example, studying dynamic network data can provide insights into how network structures and information change over time. Similarly, modeling hypergraph networks can enhance our understanding of the interactions and relationships among three or more entities in a network.
The focus of this conference will be on key areas such as community detection in network data, modeling of dynamic and hypergraph networks, and other important issues in network data analysis. The goal is to share and discuss the latest research findings in this field and to promote collaboration and exchange among scholars.
举办意义(Description of the aim)
1.社区检测(community detection)
经典的社区检测方法包括基于图分割、基于相似性度量、基于分裂和基于模块化优化等方法。近年来新的发展包括允许部分重叠的社区,动态的社区等。基于随机区块模型(Stochastic Block Model),许多学者对社区检测方法对准确度和渐近性质做了研究,例如Abbe (2017), Wang et al.(2023),Jin et al.(2023)等。此外,深度学习在社区检测中也具有潜力,例如Li et al.(2021),Sperlí(2019)等。本次会议将邀请体现社区检测方面的现代发展,讨论前沿理论和应用问题。
这一领域利用回归分析来理解和预测网络中节点的连接和交互方式,这有助于研究节点属性对网络拓扑的影响程度,并可以对网络中影响力较大的节点做出识别。相关模型包括稀疏Beta模型(Chen et al., 2020),全局结构模型(Ullah et al., 2021),根节点识别模型(Crane et al.,2021)等。
网络时间序列正变得愈发常见,这些数据中相互关联的个体会影响彼此的特征。Zhu et al.(2017)提出了网络自回归模型,将时间与节点各自的协变量联系在一起。近年来,这一领域引起了广泛的关注,相关模型包括分位数自回归模型(Zhu et al., 2019),混合自回归模型(Zhu and Pan, 2020),网络霍克斯过程(Hawkes process)模型(Fang et al.,2023),自回归网络(Jiang et al.,2023)等。此外,考虑到同质性的存在,许多学者将潜在变量也考虑在内,如McFowland and Shalizi (2023),Wu and Leng (2023)等。
变点检测是一个与网络数据密切相关的问题,在动态网络框架下,近年来有许多相关的方法和理论结果,如Wang et al.(2021), Yu et al.(2021), Li et al.(2022)等。此次会议将请到相关邻域的学者进行讨论报告,分享前沿思想和技术。
当网络节点数趋于无穷时,网络的局部收敛性是非常重要的问题。以优先附着(preferential attachment)网络为例,节点数趋于无穷时它会局部收敛到一个特定的树过程(Garavaglia et al., 2022)。相关的理论结果包括Banerjee et al.(2023),Hofstad(2024)等。
此外,网络的概率性质与统计推断也密切相关,如网络数据的两样本检验等,相关工作包括Maugis et al.(2020),Shao et al.(2022)等。此次会议将涵盖这一领域,邀请相关的概率统计学家进行报告,参会者将获得图模型的最新理论进展,使他们能够受到启发并推动网络统计分析的发展。
This conference will delve into pivotal areas of network statistical analysis, focusing on community detection, regression analysis of network data, modeling of dynamic networks, understanding probabilistic properties in graph models, and exploring the complexities of hypergraph networks.
1. Community Detection.
This method identifies closely-knit subgroups within network data. For example, social networks often feature distinct groups formed around work, family, and friendships. By segmenting networks into various communities, we can uncover underlying patterns and connections. Community detection is crucial in fields like social network analysis, bioinformatics, and recommendation systems. Traditional methods include graph-based partitioning and modularity-based optimizations, while recent advances explore overlapping and dynamic communities. Notable research includes studies on the Stochastic Block Model's accuracy and properties. The conference will discuss these advancements, highlighting new theories and practical applications.
2. Network Data Regression Analysis.
This area uses regression analysis to understand and predict interactions within a network, analyzing how node attributes influence network structure and identifying key nodes. Models such as the Sparse Beta Model and Global Structure Model are notable examples. The conference will examine these models, contributing to our understanding of network relationships.
3. Dynamic Network Modeling.
As network time-series data gain prevalence, understanding how interconnected entities influence each other over time becomes crucial. Models like the network autoregressive model and Quantile Autoregressive Models have been developed to address this. The conference will also explore change-point detection within dynamic networks, a topic of growing interest, showcasing the latest methods and theories.
4. Probabilistic Properties of Graph Models.
A key focus here is the local convergence of networks as node numbers increase, exemplified by Preferential Attachment networks converging to specific tree processes. Theoretical contributions in this field include those by Banerjee et al. and Hofstad, providing insights into statistical inference in network data. The conference aims to delve into these probabilistic aspects, inviting experts to share their findings.
5. Hypergraph Networks.
Beyond conventional networks that link pairs of nodes, hypergraph networks connect multiple nodes simultaneously, enabling the representation of complex multi-node relationships. These are particularly relevant in fields like biomedicine for modeling intricate protein interactions. The seminar will focus on characterizing and modeling hypergraph networks, fostering a deeper understanding of these complex structures.
TSIMF conference on Computational and Mathematical Bioinformatics and Biophysics
2024-12-16 ~ 2024-12-20
举办意义(Description of the aim)
为了记录这些CMBB研讨会,2018年至2022年间在期刊《信息与系统通讯》(Communications in Information & Systems, CIS)上发表了四期特刊:https://www.intlpress.com/site/pub/pages/journals/items/cis/_home/_main/index.php。这四期特刊中分别发表了6篇、10篇、7篇和5篇论文。第五届研讨会的特刊将于2024年在CIS上发表。
International Symposium on Singularities and Applications
2024-12-09 ~ 2024-12-13
Symposium Abstract
The purpose of this symposium is to bring together experts from various fields of singularity theory. These specialists' research areas will span from classical singularity theory to new branches of the exact and natural sciences, including mathematical modeling and its applications. We plan to invite keynote speakers who will showcase different aspects, primarily focusing on algebraic and analytic problems in singularity theory based on geometry. The discussions will center around singularity theory and related fields, including: singularities of smooth mappings and differential forms, subanalytic sets and semi-algebraic sets, Lipschitz stratifications, real algebraic singularities, Lagrangian and Legendrian singularities, asymptotic behavior of caustics and wavefronts, symplectic singularities, local invariants, symplectic singularities, contact and Poisson spaces, local algebras of singularities, resolutions of singularities, bifurcation of caustics and wavefronts, singular reduction, Hamiltonian systems and their generalizations, differential geometry of singularities, affine invariants of curves and surfaces, free divisors, torus actions, topology of singularities, and singularities of positive characteristic and singularities in algebraic geometry theory.
举办意义(Description of the aim)
Description of the Aim
This symposium also aims to highlight the significance of mathematics in industrial and nanoscale sciences, particularly in nanomedicine. Mathematical and computational methods play a pivotal role in the theoretical understanding of nanomaterials. Both approaches provide effective theoretical and simulation tools for analyzing and interpreting experimental results, predicting the quantitative and qualitative behavior based on models, and controlling nanoscale systems. Mathematics also plays a crucial role in the interaction of these diverse disciplines, as they all rely on data, simulation, and visualization.
Call for Presentations
We kindly invite all speakers to submit their presentation abstracts for the symposium. Please click the one of the links below to access the submission page and follow the provided instructions to complete the required information. We look forward to your valuable contributions!
Domestic Speakers: Submit Abstract
International Speakers: Submit Abstract
2024年4月11日-14日,由清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心荆文甲老师,华中科技大学高婷老师,北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院张琦老师组织的随机偏微分方程与多尺度分析研讨会(SPDEs and multiscale analysis)将在清华三亚国际数学论坛如期举行,本次会议共有24位(含线上)来自国内数所院校或研究机构的数学学者参加,会议期间将探讨有关随机偏微分方程与多尺度分析等相关研究问题。共有22场相关学术报告。
2024年1月8日-1月12日,三亚波国际前沿论坛(Sanya Waves)学术会议将在清华三亚国际数学论坛如期举行,本次会议共有62位来自国内数所院校或研究机构的数学学者参加,会议期间就非线性波动方程、几何分析和广义相对论等基本问题展开研讨,共有19场相关学术报告。
2024年1月7日-1月13日,由新加坡国立大学力学工程系助理教授、中国科学技术大学近代力学系刘难生教授、香港城市大学数学系胡先鹏教授组织的粘弹性流体的动力学:从理论到机理(Viscoelastic Flow Dynamics: from Theory to Mechanisms)学术会议将在清华三亚国际数学论坛如期举行,本次会议共有49位来自国内数所院校或研究机构的数学学者参加,会议期间就粘弹性流体相关的数学研究及其物理机理展开研讨,共有35场相关学术报告。
2023年7月22日-7月29日,由清华大学郑建华、南昌大学曹廷彬、华南师范大学黄志波老师组织的“复动力系统与复方程研讨会(Workshop on Complex Dynamics and Complex Equations)”学术会议在清华三亚国际数学论坛如期举行,本次会议共有42位来自国内数所院校或研究机构的数学学者参加。
2023年3月31日-4月4日,由华中师范大学凡石磊、中国科学院刘劲松、清华大学吴云辉和浙江大学叶和溪老师组织的2023“动力系统,Teichmuller理论及相关主题”学术会议(Dynamics, Teichmuller theory and their related topics)将在清华三亚国际数学论坛如期举行,本次会议共有76位来自国内数所院校或研究机构的数学学者参加,会议期间就动力系统,Teichmuller理论及相关主题展开研讨,届时将举行28场相关学术报告。