The conference aims to bring together leading experts and early-career researchers in the field of probability and statistical physics, with the overall goal to present the most active research in current times and discuss future directions. Around 50 participants from China and oversea are expected. It will be held at Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum (TSIMF), from January 22nd to 26th, 2024.
举办意义(Description of the aim)
In the last two decades, there has been great progresses in probability and statistical physics. In particular, four Fields Medals and two Wolf Prizes were awarded to probabilists in the past twenty years. In addition, probability and statistical physics recently have generated increasing interactions with other fields of mathematics, including algebra, complex analysis, geometry, PDEs, statistics and theoretical computer science, etc. This workshop will bring together experts to talk about recent developments in probability and related fields, discuss research problems of mutual interest, and initiate new collaborations.
Zoom ID:6971037616; PW:TSIMF
Zhigang Bao 鲍志刚
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Yinshan Chang 常寅山
Sichuan University
Xinxin Chen 陈昕昕
Beijing Normal University
Zherui Fan 范哲睿
Peking University
Roberto Fernandez
Utrecht University (Emer.) and NYU Shanghai
Yichao Huang 黄逸超
Beijing Institute of Technology
Frederik Ravn Klausen
University of Copenhagen
Xiangdong Li 李向东
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Xiaodan Li 李晓丹
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Zhangsong Li 李章颂
Peking University
Marcin Lis
Vienna University of Technology
Chandra Nair
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Maximilian Nitzschner
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Ron Peretz
Bar-Ilan University
Shuo Qin 秦硕
NYU Shanghai
Senya Shlosman
Skoltech Center of Advance Studies
Yuri Suhov
Pennsylvania State University
Rongfeng Sun 孙嵘枫
National University of Singapore
Ryokichi Tanaka
Kyoto University
Pierre Tarres
NYU Shanghai
Tatyana Turova
University of Lund, Sweden
Jian Wang 王健
Fujian Normal University
Longmin Wang 王龙敏
Nankai University
Wei Wu 吴炜
NYU Shanghai
Shangjie Yang 杨尚杰
Bar-Ilan University
Lun Zhang 张仑
Fudan University
Xicheng Zhang 张希承
Beijing Institute of Technology
顾陈琳, 清华大学
姜建平, 清华大学
Asaf Nachmias, 特拉维夫大学
Yuval Peres, 北京雁栖湖应用数学研究院